About us

The Laos Australia Institute (LAI) supports human resource development in Laos

LAI is a trusted partnership between the governments of Australia and Laos, with the aim of strengthening human resource development in support of inclusive and sustainable growth.


Laos is developing human resources (men, women, people living with disabilities and those from other disadvantaged groups) to be a strong productive power that could contribute to sustainable economic development.


To improve Laos’ human resources through strategic investments in scholarships, training, alumni engagement, and organisational capacity building.


The Laos Australia Institute uses a partnership approach with the Lao Government, the Party, private sector stakeholders and delivery partners. This approach ensures opportunities for targeted, quality Human Resource Development support can be identified and delivered efficiently. Our key Government of Lao PDR partner is the National Human Resource Development (NHRD) Office within the Ministry of Education and Sports. The NHRD Office supports the National HRD Commission and each HRD Committee focal points for human resource development under the National HRD Strategy


The Laos Australia Institute (LAI) supports human resource development in Laos. It is the Australian Government’s leading program for scholarships and training, as well as a source of trusted technical advice and support to the public and private sectors.

We highly value gender equality, as well as disability and socially inclusive development. Our work aims to overcome barriers and challenges faced by women, people with a disability, and people from different ethnic backgrounds or remote communities. Specific programs are in place to enable members of disadvantaged groups to access training, scholarships, and other opportunities that will enable them to participate in and contribute to their country’s development.