Technical Assistance
LAI’s Goal is to assist the Lao PDR to develop human resource to be a strong production power that can respond to sustainable socio-economic development (Vision to 2030, NHRDS). To achieve this LAI works closely in collaboration with identified GoL partner organisations to directly support their work.
The LAI works to strengthen relationships with our Lao partners, increasing awareness of Australian expertise and, critically, to encourage collaboration in order to promote inclusive and sustainable growth. The predominate focus is the enhancement of HRD systems, processes, practices and the capability and capacity of staff in key areas to sustain the long-term advancement of their ability to develop and sustain strong, professional HRD practices.
In addition to directly supporting the enhancement of HRD capacity and capability, support is also provided to identified organisations to enhance capacity and capability in their portfolio area of responsibility.
For example, technical assistance can be provided;
- directly to an organisation for discrete / specific projects, longer term system enhancement and building organisational capacity. This is achieved by supporting staff in identified ministries to undertake ongoing work or projects in more complex areas that require technical expertise and additional resources, or
- after the completion of general or customised training programs to embed learnings from the program, continue to build competencies and help participants transfer learnings to the workplace.

Competency-Based Training for Human Resource Professionals
The Competency-Based Training for Human Resource Professionals program trained civil servants from the Ministry of Education and Sports and the Ministry of Home Affairs in human resource management and training and assessment. The courses ran for a period of 18 months and were delivered in-country. Participants undertook an Australian accredited training program with delivery of the programs in Lao, using the Lao language.

Ministry of Education and Sports National HRD Policy Technical Assistance
Technical assistance to Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) focuses on supporting implementation of National Human Resources Development Strategy (NHRDS) to 2025. The technical assistance commenced in 2015 with support for the review of the National HRD strategy and from 2017 supported Government and stakeholder policy discussion through an annual HRD Dialogue.
Support continues through technical assistance in the areas of the labour market, short courses for government officials and the development of a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MELF) for National HRD strategy.

Ministry of Home Affairs Technical Assistance
Technical assistance to Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) commenced in 2016 with support for civil service reforms in the areas of Job Descriptions and Performance Appraisals.
During 2017 and 2018, key selected civil servants from MOHA participated in Competency-Based Training in the areas of Training and Assessment and Human Resource Management (HRM) to support government reforms in HRM.
Ongoing support continues with the development of materials for the Government of Lao PDR Human Resource Management Practitioners’ Program.