LAI is pleased to welcome back HRD Advisor Iain Calman!

Mar 29, 2021 | News, News & Events

Meet our new team member!

LAI is pleased to welcome back HRD Advisor Iain Calman!

HRD Advisor Iain Calman has recommenced work with Laos Australia Institute strengthening and enhancing the professional and personal relationships established in 2016 and 2017 through the delivery of competency-based training (CBT) and human resource management (HRM) training to the Government of Laos.

Since commencing in January 2021, Iain has reconnected with the alumni from the CBT/HRM training and their colleagues who completed a Certificate IV in Training and Evaluation to leverage their skills and experience.  LAI will work with Iain and training graduates and colleagues from the Ministry of Education and Sport (MOES) to further support the development of the Lao National HRD Strategy to 2025.  At a practical level this will mean supporting the preparation for the Annual HRD Dialogue, the key event that reports on progress against the Key Performance Indicators in the HRD Strategy, and individually facilitating a skills analysis in order to customise training and development options for the team. Additionally, supported by Malaythong the LAI HRD Associate, Iain is busy finalising the material and logistics for an inaugural Workforce Planning training program due to commence in early March.

Iain’s previous consulting/advising experience has focussed on designing and implementing holistic human resource initiatives that ensure alignment with the achievement of organisational objectives in the Australian Public Service (APS). These services have been provided by Iain for approximately 12 years, directly into organisations and in collaboration with high quality professional training and other HRM / HRD focused organisations. Iain has worked as a facilitator, consultant, executive coach and designer/developer of formal training programs as components of organisational development strategies.

Prior to leaving the Australian Public Service in 2008, Iain’s work was predominately in HR related roles such as Managing the Ministry of Defence Graduate Development Program, Resource Manager of the Defence Business Training Centre and Manager of the Public Sector Management Program. He also had broader experience which included Desk Officer for the Middle East and Central Asia in the Defence International Policy Division and Project Manager in Defence Health Services.

Iain worked closely with the Australian Human Resource Institute for a number of years to promote HRM and HRD as a profession. He has a passion for HR and believes in the critical importance of organisations having appropriately qualified and skilled HR practitioners that can align human resource practices with desired organisational direction. With his wide experience and qualifications Iain is looking forward to being able to add value to HRM and HRD capability and capacity in the Lao Civil Service.