Leadership for Gender Inclusion program 2021

Feb 16, 2021 | News, News & Events

The Laos Australia Institute, on behalf of the Australian Government, would like to invite Laos Australia Alumni, to participate in the Leadership for Gender Inclusion Program 2021!

Interested participants need to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to join this program delivered in Laos over ten weeks (part-time) from March – June 2021.

Funded by the Australian Government, this program aims to support women’s economic empowerment as it relates to ASEAN’s Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The newly ratified RCEP seeks to improve trade relations between ASEAN member states by removing barriers to trade. For Laos, strong participation in this partnership is necessary for long term economic and social stability. Creating pathways for women to participate in this partnership is crucial to achieve this outcome.

We are seeking EOIs from alumni who are:

  • working in the public sector (working within Lao Ministries) or
  • working in the private sector – this includes owners and leaders of small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), or actors in the supply chain who are committed to increasing women’s participation in the RCEP.

Women, men and gender-diverse alumni are encouraged to apply!

 Male participation

This program is committed to providing positive outcomes for women, including by working with both men and women to drive gender equality. Male participation is contingent on male applicants demonstrating that they are allies who are also committed to increasing women’s economic empowerment and improving gender equality in Laos.

Expectations of male participants will differ from the expectations of women and non-binary persons and are informed by current gender equity best practice. This program aims to bring change to Laos’ gender normative processes and attitudes and as such male participants may be involved in sensitive discussions about patriarchy and uneven systems of power.

As part of the application process, male participants will be required to provide demonstrated experience of, and commitment to, inclusive gender equity.

In addition, all participants must:

  1. be Lao Australia Alumni;
  2. currently, be residing in Laos;
  3. be committed to:
  • developing sustainable and gender-inclusive Leadership and Management Practices;
  • developing and sharing Women in Leadership communities of practice in their local area;
  • preparing and implementing a development project as part of the course;
  • engaging actively and fostering networks with multiple stakeholders; and
  • male participates must be willing to be allies in partnership with women in changing gender norm changes, and leaders in their own workplaces and communities for advancing gender equality and women’s leadership.

Participant selection is a two-step process

Step 1: We invite you to submit an EOI by following this link.

  • Applications close at 11:59 pm Sunday 28 February 2021.
  • A selection committee will then review the EOIs and select which alumni qualify for step 2.

Step 2: The alumni who qualify for step 2 will be provided further details of the course, including dates, expectations etc. At this stage, Alumni will be asked to commit to both the time allocation (with support provided by employers if applicable) and the project commitment.

After both of these steps have been completed, alumni will be formally invited to participate in the program. We are seeking a maximum of 25 participants in total, and strongly encourage persons living with disability, persons from remote or regional areas, LGBTIQ+ persons, ethnic minority and people from other marginalised groups to apply.

For more information, please contact the Alumni Engagement Team. E-mail: [email protected]