Australia continues to support Laos’ economic recovery and resilience during COVID-19 and the Laos Australia Institute (LAI) has announced five Laos Australia alumni who have received grants under the second round of Laos Australia Alumni Innovation Grants.
Emily Serong, Director of Laos Australia Institute provided congratulations to the recipients stating, “these incredible alumni are ready to implement their innovative activities to help Lao communities recover from the impact of COVID19”.
After the successful implementation of the first Alumni Innovation Grants in 2020, the Australian Government launched the second Alumni Innovation Grant to continue the support to Laos Australia Alumni implementing innovative projects in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Grants of between AUD9,000 and AUD10,000 have been awarded on a competitive basis, with a focus on sustainable and cost-effective project outcomes. The successful Alumni Innovation Grant recipients are Souksan Thavikham (Partnership Coordinator, National GPAR Programme of Home Affairs), Phetdavanh Sipaseuth (Team Leader, Village Focus International), Sonedalinh Phoumvongsay (Freelance Consultant), Chanthaly Syfongxay (Deputy Crop Section, Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office) and Oulavanh Keovilignavong (Former Country Manager and Researcher, IWMI Country Office Laos).
Alumni Innovation Grant projects include:
- Skills development and job creation for vulnerable people, including people living with disability to reduce impact from COVID-19 (Souksan Thavikham)
- Youth’s capacity building for effectively adapting to COVID-19 (Phetdavanh Sipaseuth)
- Income generation through an inclusive business (Sonedalinh Phoumvongsay)
- Household food security for COVID-19 pandemic responding (Chanthaly Syfongxay)
- Utilising Fairtrade fund as economic recovery from COVID-19 (Oulavanh Keovilignavong)
For further details on projects planned by the Alumni Innovation Grant recipients see #BuildingLaosFutureTogether #BuildingLaoLeaders #AlumniInnovationGrants #AustraliaAwards