Phouxay Douangphilavanh – COVID-19 prevention in schools’ project

Nov 19, 2020 | Alumni Innovation Grants

Phouxay Douangphilavanh participated in the Disability Inclusive Development (DID) English Language Program, supported by the Australian Government via the Laos Australia Institute and Vientiane College from January 2019 to June 2020. This Program was specially designed for people with disability and those working in the disability sector. Participants were trained on report writing, preparing submissions, financial reporting and verbal communication with international counterparts.

Proudly Australian trained Phouxay put these skills and knowledge gained into practice by applying for an Alumni Innovation Grant. His innovation is targeted at bringing positive change to students and the community in Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital.

In collaboration with the nine Village Development Group, Phouxay’s innovative project included training on COVID-19 and Dengue Fever awareness and prevention methods for teachers and students in four schools, including Phonesavang, Phontong Chommany, Dondeng, and Hongkaikeo schools in Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital from 24 June to 27 July 2020.

“This was the first time I prepared a proposal for a small grant from the Australian Government to improve knowledge and practice on COVID-19 and Dengue Fever awareness.Though it was a small project, it could widely benefit the whole community. Students and teachers who attended the training received brochures, and I’m sure they will spread the key messages to their parents and families.”, Phouxay said.